Plan your career like you are planning the crime of the century. Your body may be broken and your mind scared, but your life doesn’t have to be.
If you’re disabled and need a job, look no further than this brilliant, raw, honest and hard-hitting glimmer of hope on your career path. "How To Rob A Bank With One Leg: An Innovative Approach To Navigating Career Success By Overcoming The Challenges Of Disability" is a new book by local author Jasbant Rai Khutan. Available in paperback, hardback & kindle.
Written by someone who’s been there, done that, and got the promotions, this book will instil you with confidence, inspiration and motivation to always strive for the job and life you deserve, regardless of your disability or ethnicity.
British-Indian author, Jasbant Rai Khutan, was born into working-class poverty in the 1960s. Determined to use this lesson and provide his family with a more comfortable life, Jasbant has written the book he wishes he could have read after leaving uni when he had no clue what to do for the rest of his working life. Packed with golden nuggets of hard-earned advice (three-plus decades’ worth!), plenty of humour, reality checks and a few films, secrets and book recommendations, you’ll get so much out of this book you’ll never look at your job in the same light again!
You CAN smash through that glass ceiling and get the job of your dreams! Grab your copy today and start planning your career like you’re planning the crime of the century.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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