The Parky Players are to perform in Birminghamfest 2022 with a new play - "Shake It Up" - a comedy theatre show co-written and directed by Rachel Charlotte Green.
"I will be appearing in it" she said "as northern ringmaster. It`s next Wednesday on 20th July as part of Birminghamfest 2022 at 7pm at The Blue Orange Theatre, 118 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham B18 6AD".
The play is a fiercely funny, no-holds barred comedy about modern life living with Parkinson`s. When a local community group turns up for their weekly meeting, they are surprised to find themselves in the fantasy world of Snow White and the seven Symptoms. Be prepared to expect the unexpected and have your awareness of Parkinson`s raised - along with a big smile!
"We are a brand-new theatre company formed on Zoom" explained Rachel "in lockdown made up of people with and supporters of people with Parkinson`s.
Following the success of our sell-out shows in Nottingham and at the Leicester Comedy festival we have developed the play with Community Vibe and National Lottery funding from Arts Council England".
For further information:
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