Poetry Anthology Book Launch For Charity
2nd August 2021
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Poetry Anthology for the RSPCA Birmingham Animal Centre


Hosted by Elaine C Christie

Saturday 31st July 7pm – 9.30pm

Video & Slide show on Facebook

(Under the page ‘Poetry Bites Anthology’)

Books available at £10.50 p&p included from email address above.


This is a Poetry Anthology of experiences throughout lockdown.  The reflections,

tedium, anxiety, coping strategies and the hope and optimism nature has brought us.

This book is dedicated to the RSPCA in the recognition that animals are not our

suffering servants or anguished slaves and we must proclaim the sin of the mighty over the frail.  We can all breathe a collective sigh of relief, after many years of campaigning

the Animal Welfare Sentencing Act is now in force! It will raise the maximum sentences

to five years for the worst cases of animal cruelty.


                                     Animal Rescuers

are the ancient shamans, the true custodians of earth,

and teach us we must fulfil our duty to manage earth wisely

until such time, when the wolf shall lie with the lamb.



Curator and Publisher Elaine Catherine Christie says the reason she wanted to put the collection together is because she has had to call for help with many a suffering animal and the RSPCA have been a beacon of light and hope on every occasion and in return she wanted to help them at this difficult time.  Elaine says” I’m sure you have all seen the TV adds calling for

peoples support, the RSPCA rehomed 792 animals last year, my fear is with lockdown ending, there will be a rise in more animals being abandoned abused and neglected. So I want to do everything in my power to help!  My thanks go to all the poets and photographers I couldn’t have done it without them, so please join us and support the animals’.


Elaine was born in the West Midlands and has studied Animal Care, Creative Writing and has a Diploma in Editing and Publishing.  In 2011 she became an activator, member and fundraiser with Born Free Foundation.  Hosting Poetry Events for the charity as well as curating and publishing ‘Restless Bones’ another anthology to help fight the fur trade.  She liked the name so much she used it as her publishing name.  Her first collection ‘Hear My Cry’was published just before lockdown. Elaine’s poetry has been published widely both here and in the US.  She also runs a spoken word night ‘Poetry Bites’ with co-host Matt Nunn in Kings Heath, Birmingham.

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