Poets Celebrate Enchanted’s 2nd Anniversary in Virtual Festival
2nd June 2020
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Greetings it’s nice to be able to introduce myself:  I am called Angela,

Recently I have had the pleasure of joining the group Enchanted for their 2nd year anniversary, everyone was really welcoming and the poetry, music and stories were all stunning. The group were all positive in their feedback and very encouraging, with video connection via email invites.

Hope Radio has also inspired me to do my poems on Audio as well, I have already submitted ‘Angels’ and ‘Love the Warrior’ from my first collection ~ ‘Angelorum de Bellatorum/Angels of Warriors’ which you can listen to on the following link:~ https://e-voice.org.uk/hoperadio/poetry/angie-woods/


I have been encouraged to submit some more, so I have coming soon ~ ‘Lost and My Shadow is’. Steadily working with a collection I’m calling ‘Inspired By:’ I’m excited that I have so much to learn and contribute to this magnificent art and in awe to be part of it everyday. End Chant:~ inspired by Enchanted.


End Chant

This world is very beautiful

I see the gifts she brings

the animals, plants and insects

these are her beautiful things

the oceans, rivers and brooks

enchanted in taking a look

I am therefore I will

believe she’s sharing it still

forever more and always

the tree’s, the rain and banks

are nature’s way of giving us

the moments we end chant



If you would like to see more of my published poetry it is available on amazon. Please follow the link: https://poetryemotion03.wixsite.com/mysite

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