Small actions to solve big problems – without spending a single penny!
11th February 2025
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The world is in flux at the moment: Wars, climate issues, religious conflicts and a stark rise in mental health problems are just a few of the major challenges. There are so many issues, on an individual, national and global level, which you have to navigate through your day-to-day life. Politicians have a huge responsibility to address these significant issues, however we can also influence and work towards solutions ourselves. 

I believe there are simple day-to-day changes we can make that will not only equip us with a stress-free and resilient life, but will also considerably help address the bigger issues that we are facing.

The good news is that this does not involve enormous amounts of effort or time or money.

As individuals, we do not have much control over the wars going on in parts of the world and we may feel that we have no control over the rising mental health issues or the climate crisis. The truth is that we do have a degree of control and there are many things we can do to influence and resolve these issues.

Problems we are facing

When I reflect on my childhood and life as a young adult (I have written more on this in my memoir – Best of Three Worlds), I do not recall having to juggle so many conflicting issues. Over the course of my life, things have exacerbated to a point where we are constantly having to cope with more and more in our lives. The last 50 years have seen an increase in capitalism, excessive consumerism, the launch of social media, a significant breakdown in family values, as well as the changing climate.

As a society, we are struggling with multiple challenges every single day. The result is that stress and mental health are rapidly rising for adults as well as children and some of the statistics are alarming:

Cost of Mental Illness in England

According to Mental Health Statistics UK 2024  from Forth ( illness costs England a staggering £300 billion annually, which is nearly double the NHS budget. This cost includes human, economic, and health-related implications. It is sad to know that the financial burden falls on individuals with mental health difficulties, their families, the public sector, and businesses.

Staff turnover due to mental illness accounts for £43.1 billion, and lost tax revenues add up to £5.7 billion.

The stress triggers in the UK (2024)

Work-related stress affects 23% of UK adults. The most significant stress triggers include money (39%), lack of sleep (39%), health concerns (35%), family issues (31%) and news-related stress (24%).

Approximately 1 in 7 people in the UK report bad or the worst-ever mental health. Mental Health UK warns of a potential “burnt-out nation” due to poor mental health.

Mental health issues for children are shocking

Mental health statistics from The Children’s Society ( say that over the past year, the number of primary age children in England waiting or undergoing treatment for mental health problems has surged by a staggering 28%. This surge surpasses any increase observed in adult age groups. More than 165,000 children between 6- and 10-year-old were in contact with an NHS mental health service. The number of urgent emergency referrals for children has doubled from the previous year indicating a growing need for immediate intervention.

The Climate Crisis

In addition to the above, the other issue that is causing anxiety for all of us is the ongoing climate crisis. 

Did you know that the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world? New findings from The Big Plastic Count estimate that the UK throws away 1.7 billion pieces of plastic each week – which equals around 90 billion items every year.

This issue is not just out there in distant countries. It is right here on your doorstep, and we see this daily in the changing and unpredictable weather conditions. More of us are having to cope with the risk of flooding, plastic pollution, food shortages and a rise in energy bills. It is a situation that we can no longer ignore, and we all must embark on a path towards more sustainable living.

Climate change is not just an environmental issue; it has a profound impact on our emotional well-being. From eco-anxiety to despair, climate change can drive an array of emotional consequences. Driven by rising global temperatures and extreme weather events, it is not confined to its physical manifestations. Its effects extend into the emotional realm, influencing how you feel and respond to the world around you. Understanding these emotional responses is crucial for addressing your emotional well-being and that of your community. 

You and I are part of the solution

I have been working as a counsellor, stress reduction and well-being trainer, and author for nearly 30 years. During this time, I have paid close attention to the issues my clients have been facing and have specifically written about the topics which are a catalyst for seismic positive changes in their lives. The solutions I offer in my books don’t just address the above issues, they also enhance well-being and enhance the happiness and meaning in your life.

These solutions are not complex and are based on common sense humanitarian and natural laws:

We need to fall back on natural coping strategies, which will not further harm your bodies and minds.

We need compassion and empathy to stop all the problems that our differences are propagating in the world.

We need to be frugal to save the natural resources of the planet, as this will address the financial concerns and damage to the planet caused by the climate crisis.

What do you need to make life easier for you and your loved ones, plus make this world a better place?

I have carefully chosen the above topics and written about them at length in my 10 books. The aim is to help clients, friends and family live a more resourceful and resilient life, and have influence on society by taking control. All the solutions that I present in my books are aimed at addressing the current and forthcoming difficulties that we are facing on an individual, national, and global level. 

If you are worried about stress and mental health at home and at work then my two books Stress to Success in 28 Days and Stress to Success Stories will give you simple natural and above all, cost-free techniques to use in your daily life, no matter how busy you are. These techniques will help keep you stress-free and strong, so you can cope with everyday challenges and alleviate future mental health problems.

As for children, we need to start as early as we can to help them learn minor natural coping strategies that will become a way of life for them as they become adults. This is to help ensure they fall back on natural coping strategies, rather than develop a reliance on external stimulants, such as alcohol and drugs. The regular use of these basic interventions will help them manage change and challenges for the rest of their lives.

These are presented in my series of picture books for primary aged children: Chakraji Relaxation Serieswhich teaches natural breathing and visualisation techniques that assist children with day-to-day worries and anxieties. These books also help children build emotional strength from an early age. They can then use this as a foundation for a resilient life.

If you want to be an active participant in reversing the problems caused by the changing climate and want to accelerate your journey to living an eco-friendly life, then my latest book Best of One World is for you. It helps you to embark on this path by taking small effortless steps towards sustainable living. It contains 60 simple steps that you can work through at your own pace.

Once I got on this journey myself, I discovered that living an eco-friendly life is not just good for the planet and our future generations, but is also excellent for our own well-being and deep sense of purpose in life.


I passionately believe that the solutions to our individual, national and global issues are not as complex as we think. We need to go back to basics and live simple minimalistic lives that foster care and compassion for all living beings.

The absence of all the above is contributing to the rise in stress and anxiety for all of us, our children and their future generations.

Taking small steps will help stop you from worrying and being anxious about what is currently going on in the world. It will also help you feel more in control and give you a sense of achievement and fulfilment that you are part of the solution.

In summary, adopting a few natural techniques for stress relief in your day and taking a couple of small steps to work towards living an eco-friendly life does wonders for your own health and happiness as well as securing a thriving planet for your children and their future generations. Embarking on this path to a sustainable, joyful and meaningful life today means we are all working together and part of the solution!


About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates

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