Stafford Litfest – A variety of vibrant events for local and independent creatives to share their work alongside professionals – bringing literature to the heart of Stafford(shire).
As Staffordshire Poet Laureate, and director of Dream Well Writing - which is a small dyslexia friendly publishing company based in Stafford - one of my biggest passions is getting poetry out into the community and making sure that it is accessible to as many people as possible.
Having the Litfest in Stafford means that all sorts of different forms of literature are going to be coming to the town - including: storytelling, poetry workshops for children and adults, a poetry slam, and local authors reading from their own published books - as well as various writing competitions - and I really feel there will be a little something for everyone to be able to enjoy.
Being given the opportunity to enjoy literature and books goes hand in hand with encouraging good literacy skills which are, I believe, vital skills for both children and adults to make their way in the world - and I'm delighted to be Creative Director of Stafford Litfest working alongside organisations such as The University of Wolverhampton in Stafford and Stafford Gatehouse Theatre to be able to make this happen in our town.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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