A book with a difference has been launched to help combat the problems of stress in the work place. ‘Success to Success Stories’ by Birmingham based corporate wellbeing consultant Hansa Pankhania takes the form of a series of short stories, each of them accompanied by a commentary, full of expert guidance and tips.
Hansa says ‘I hate seeing stressed people and organisations. My team and I want to guide them to be calm, relaxed and hence optimise their effectiveness. This is not complex or time consuming. We guide you on your path to calm and success, using simple powerful techniques that can be integrated easily into a hectic routine.’
So why should you read this book as opposed to all the others?
Says Hansa: ‘This is not the usual text- book type book on stress. This book makes the issues real and potent for the reader. We are human, so stress is part of life and all around us. We read newspaper stories about how stress affects the famous – an actress having a breakdown, a sportsman diagnosed with depression and so forth.
The book draws on my extensive experience of working with individuals and private, public and voluntary sectors. The stories are inspired by my day-to-day work and contain powerful messages and coping strategies for different areas.
The techniques are brought to life in the form of short stories, taken from real life situations. Many people have experienced one of the following at some point in their lives: Feeling overwhelmed with multiple and conflicting demands, being bullied, feeling disenchanted with the organisation they work for, or simply wanting to know simple techniques that will resolve the above and enhance wellbeing and effectiveness.
If anyone can identify with the above, then the solutions for them are in this book. It is an easy enjoyable read that will unleash positive changes in your work and home life.
Stress is the number one cause of workplace absence in Britain, accounting for three times as many absences as back pain. I am horrified that many companies big and small, do not take their legal duty of care seriously towards their employees. All Managers should be trained in handing stressful situations at work, but sadly this is not the case. This can result in high costs for an organisation, in sick absences, experienced employees leaving, grievances and even compensation claims for negligence of duty of care.
She ends with ‘Whatever your situation I feel confident that you’ll find something in this book that will unleash positive changes in your life at work and home in powerful ways.’
About - Hansa Pankhania is a Speaker, Corporate Wellbeing Consultant and Trainer, as well as an Executive Coach. She is a Fellow of the International Stress Management Association and Director of AUM Consultancy. She has worked with over 150 companies, helping them to reduce stress, build resilience and hence productivity and profits.
Amazon or other bookseller links:
Website address: www.aumconsultancy.com
Blog address: https://aumconsultancy.co.uk/blog/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AumConsultancy
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/aum-consultancy-430b0539
Facebook- - https://www.facebook.com/aumconsultancyuk/
Contact email: h.pankhania@hotmail.co.uk
Contact telephone- 07888747438
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