Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Sebastian Faulk’s bestselling international novel; ‘Birdsong’ has been creatively and aptly adapted for the stage by Rachel Wagstaff. The tag line, ‘There is nothing more than to love and be loved’, leads the audience by the hand through love, affairs, war and the sense of duty through this World War 1 inspired story.
The audience are greeted and quite alarmed by the simplicity of the stage at the beginning, as two men on a bench are sat under the spotlight. We the audience realise soon that the intention is to draw the attention to the individuals and their story. As the play develops, we recognise that the set although seemingly simple adapts seamlessly with the changes of scene but is excellently effective in creating the desired atmosphere. Each scene adapted smoothly, to see a seamless transition from one scene into the next. As an adulterous love affair reaches a new height of intimacy, the audience are left quite shocked by what unfolds on stage. There are no apologies, this is raw, this passion, this is love. Due to the length of this production, two hours and ten minutes, there are two welcomed intervals. The first scene introduces and develops the characters before our eyes, and we become engaged and invested in their story. We the audience experience fear, betrayal, but also love, hope and desire.
After a much-needed intermission, the second scene starts with the scene of soldiers their light-hearted banter and spirit, but the atmosphere is cut short with the sounds of bombs and gunfire. The grammar phone playing music of the time is used to create sounds of that era.
This part of the play, allows the audience to experience the highs and lows of the lives that these soldiers led. We the audience are submerged in the imagery, the vivid and grotesque details described orally of their living conditions and the tenacious hope that held these men together as comrades. Expressions of sorrow and pain are intensified by deafening silence and the actor being surrounded by darkness, alone with their thoughts.
The level of detail given to the costumes, the weaponry and the mannerisms enacted by soldiers was astounding. Such a small group of actors exhibited so eloquently the thoughts and feelings of men who faced uncertain danger during the time of war. The women too, played the roles that women would have played during this period. The question arises, “Who are we that we do this to each other”, when discussing about the war related injuries.
As fear and trepidation fills the air, the attention of the audience is directed to face with the soldiers what they are faced with. Through lighting, smoke and sounds of bombs and artillery surrounding us, the audience are reprieved for the second intermission, welcoming and both acknowledging that this would not be what the soldiers would have had.
The third and final part of the production, introduces the idea of war tourists but poignant words “I don’t remember what we are fighting for”, reaffirms reality.
The dramatic effects are heightened, using the set and lighting uniquely to represent the real claustrophobic conditions that the soldiers would have faced, in tunnels and on battle grounds.
This captivating production of ‘Birdsong’ has taken the audience on a remarkable journey of love, resilience, honour and remembrance. From production concept to delivery, the interpretation of this story has transcended through time. The themes of love, hope and the horrors of war are unapologetically approached, but this is what draws the audience to take the journey of the unknown with the characters, whether it be in heading towards war, or searching for lost love. This show has demonstrated the effects that great characterisation through, gestures, body language can have and the intended meaningful impact by making the characters on stage realistic and relatable. This was demonstrated in the story by the directors’ use of giving each character a voice.
The universal theme of hope and love is demonstrated to have crossed through generations to unify people in the act of remembrance and to dignify and thank the memory of those who served in the war. This production of ‘Birdsong’ was created and executed with such finesse, that a standing ovation was necessary for not only those on stage, but for all those who had taken part in its outstanding creation.
By Saida Chowdhury
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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