"To Move In Time" - Birmingham Rep - Review by Susan Vickers
23rd May 2024
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Tim Etchells’ “To Move In Time” is a imaginative tour de force that will leave you breathless from its whirlwind exploration of humanity’s eternal fascination with manipulating the space-time continuum. From the moment Tyrone Huggins takes the stage, he commands the audience’s rapt attention with a captivating performance as the unnamed protagonist pondering the infinite potential of traveling backwards and forwards through history.  



Huggins fully immerses himself in Etchells’ bravura text, delivering the staggering monologue with dynamism and flair. The language dances off his tongue with an intoxicating vivacity as he vacillates between mundane musings about revisiting seemingly inconsequential moments and grander ambitions to rewrite pivotal events or capitalise on future knowledge. Huggins brings an infectious, wide-eyed enthusiasm to every fanciful scenario, drawing the audience into giddily imagining the tantalising possibilities themselves.  



Etchells revels in the fragility and paradoxes of upending our linear understanding of time, posing profound philosophical questions while finding exquisite poetry in the minute details of our daily lives. It’s a dexterous high-wire act, balancing intellectual heft with whimsical humour and raw emotional resonance. Under Huggins’ masterful performance, we hang on his every word, eager to be swept away in this exploration of our human obsession with shaping reality to our desires.  



“To Move In Time” is a sublime theatrical mind-bender, an extraordinary linguistic high-wire act that will leave you sorting through an intoxicating jumble of thoughts about our relationship with the past, present, and future long after its thrilling conclusion. Don’t miss this wondrous tour-de-force monologue—a true marvel that reminds us of the eternal poetry lurking within our grandest existential musings. A must-see for anyone who has ever dared to dream beyond the confines of time.  



Price   From £12   Presented by   Tim Etchells & Forced Entertainment in collaboration with Tyrone Huggins.   Age guideline   16+






Susan Vickers 

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