RicNic, in collaboration with Avanti Trains Community Fund, are creating a digital library of stories inspired by journeys past, present, future and into imaginary realms. Working with young people and communities along the Avanti train line we are collecting memories, story inspiration and new writing pieces to feature in an online travelling library.
This digital collection will be launched in March 2025 and will offer rail passengers a few moments of escapism and entertainment on their journeys.
We are asking for residents and writers of all ages, experience levels and abilities to submit entries for this library, on the theme of JOURNEYS PAST
You might choose to * tell us about a memorable trip from your childhood * write us a short story or poem inspired by your travels * tell us about journeys to far-flung places or keep it local!
Entries can either be * Written - please include your name as you would like it included in the library * Sent as a voice recording (please ensure it is clear with no background noise) and in mp4 format * Sent as notes of your memories in an email, for our young writers to use as inspiration for developping their own work. * Please keep recordings to a maximum of 2 minutes - we want passengers to be able to dip into a story in the time it takes to go between two local stations! Please provide us with a contact email address too, so that we can update you on the progress of the digital library.
Deadline for memories/entries is 16th February 2025.
Please send all submissions to contact@ricnic.org.uk
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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