Prime Accountants Group, which has offices in Solihull, Birmingham and Coventry, is promoting from within thanks to its continuous investment in training and support for its teams.
Emma Pithouse and Natalija Carlsson have both been promoted to manager from assistant managers, while Joe Laird is also moving up to manager.
Shorif Masu, Jack Holder and Luke Hall have all been promoted to audit and accounts seniors, while Ellie Steanes has taken on a new role in audit and accounts.
In addition to the promotions, Prime has also appointed Rachel Clarke, who will be joining the tax team as a VAT adviser.
Prime director Morgan Davies said: “We’re very proud of the development opportunities we create for our team, and these promotions show how this can generate success.
“Prime’s wider strategy continues to be one of investing in the skills of the team, as ultimately we are a people business.
“Prime has grown into one of the Midlands’ largest independent firms and we will continue to grow by developing our team into first class talent, while attracting other great individuals to join us.
“With the best team, you get the best results, which will enable us to grow and create further opportunities for others.”
The latest raft of promotions at Prime follows in the footsteps of another quartet who took on new roles earlier this year.
In January, Kerrie Given and Paislei Godley were both promoted to associate director; Callum O’Rourke was promoted to senior manager; Emily Sutton was promoted to manager and graduate trainee Lemar Chandegra was promoted to audit and accounts senior.
For more information on job roles at Prime Accountants, visit the website or search for Prime Accountants Group on social media.
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