West Midlands Mayor joins campaign to ‘Keep Britain Tidy’
29th September 2020
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Mayor of the West Midlands, Andy Street has taken to the tow paths of Birmingham to support this year’s Great British September Clean.




Acknowledging social distancing measures, the small group from the West Midlands Combined Authority took to the canal sides in Snow Hill to do their part to keep Britain tidy.




After a morning’s work the small team managed to fill four extra-large bin bags with beer bottles, crisp packets, broken glass, hundreds of cigarette butts, and even a piece of old carpet. 

Andy Street, Mayor of the West Midlands said: “Over the past few months, as so many lives have been changed by the impact of coronavirus, the pleasure derived from being able to enjoy their local environment and green spaces has never been more important for so many.




“So, as we try to keep up our hopes of a return to some of kind normality, there’s one thing we don’t want to see returning to normal. That’s the visual blight on our green spaces and neighbourhoods caused by those who drop litter or dump rubbish, and the damage it causes to our environment and the impact it has on our wildlife – not least here on our precious waterways.”




“And whilst it goes without saying that it’s an irresponsible minority who are most at fault, I’d ask everyone who can to support this campaign, this month and every month.




“It’s of course vitally important to follow government guidelines on social distancing at all times, but I’d urge everyone who can do so safely, to get outside with a litter picker, mask and a bin bag and see what a positive difference they can make their local area. So, please join me and your community in helping to Keep Britain Tidy.”




The Great British September Clean is run by the charity Keep Britain Tidy. Every year they organise a Spring clean to encourage as many people as possible to clear litter where they live. This year’s event has been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.




For information on how to get involved in your area, visit keepbritaintiday.org


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