You Can Do It - Business, Trade & Investment Between UK & China
11th April 2019
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Date: Wednesday 1st May 2019
Time: 17.30 registration, 18.00 seminar starts
Location: WSP, The Mailbox, Level 2, 100 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RT

Birmingham China Business Forum (BCBF), together with WSP, invites you to a panel discussion on'You Can Do It - Business, Trade and Investment between UK and China'.

Please book on 

Whilst the West Midlands is the only region in the UK to have a positive trade balance with China, we cannot afford to be complacent.  Global changes are affecting China’s economy, which will impact on us.  Also, as we face uncertainties over our trading relationship with Europe, we need to expand our trade with other countries, especially China.

During the evening, a panel of professional and business speakers will share their experience and insights on doing business in China, as well as economic trends in China to help you with your UK-China business strategies.  There will be plenty of time for questions to the panel.
  1. John Rider, former regional chair of the Institute of Directors, will share his experience of setting up a business in China.
  2. Jun Du, Professor of Economics at Aston Business School, will provide insights on recent trends in the China economy and the implications for foreign investors
  3. Paul Thomas, Director of WSP, will talk about the practicalities of managing projects in China
The seminar will be opened by Zo Hoida, the President of Birmingham China Business Forum (BCBF) and the panel discussion will be moderated by Bill Good, Director of England China Business Forum (ECBF). 

The programme for the evening will be:
  • 17.30   Registration
  • 18.00   Welcome and presentations
  • 19.00   Q&A
  • 19.30   Networking and refreshments
  • 20.30   Close
The seminar is hosted by WSP, a global engineering firm, currently working on HS2 in Birmingham and has extensive experience of major construction projects in China.
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