Come along to King’s Heath Walk Of Fame’s 60th Anniversary celebration of The Who’s Birmingham debut with Top Local Tribute Band The Acoustic Who!
"Who are you?" is what Pa Regan allegedly asked Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, John Entwhistle and Keith Moon when they arrived to make The Who's debut at the Regans' Brum Kavern Club in Small Heath on Sunday 28 March 1965. Originally booked by Ma Regan to appear at King's Heath's Ritz Ballroom that night, The Who were switched to the Brum Kavern at the last moment so The Regans could put on an All Midlands R'n'B Show at the Ritz featuring The Moody Blues and The Spencer Davis Group. Maybe it was not so strange that Pa Regan failed to recognise The Who as they had only released their first single "I Can't Explain" two months earlier and it had only slowly climbed the charts to creep into the Top Ten. But Pa Regan would not forget them when they smashed their guitars on stage at the climax of their set and they were never re-booked by the Regans.
On Saturday 5 April this historic event will be commemorated when King's Heath Walk Of Fame present the latest in their series of gigs commemorating the great groups who started off their careers in the 1960's in Birmingham at King's Heath's Ritz Ballroom and other clubs on the Regan circuit
The (not so) Acoustic Who will perform a live & rather loud (but not too loud!) tribute to The Who playing all their greatest hits including My Generation, Happy Jack, I Can’t Explain, I’m A Boy, I Can See For Miles, Baba O’Reilly, Pinball Wizard, Substitute, The Kids Are Alright, Who Are You, Won’t Get Fooled Again plus Many Many More!
The concert will take place at King's Heath Cricket & Sports Club, 247 Alcester Road South, King's Heath, Birmingham, B14 6DT which is less than half a mile away from the fire damaged ruins of the old Ritz Ballroom on York Road.
It is an Unreserved Seated Venue with dance floor and real ale bar.
There is a large car park at rear and the No. 50 bus stops outside so Who fans are encouraged to get to the venue by Magic Bus!
Very limited Earlybird Tickets £6.60 .Then £8.80 from
Lots more on the door so please buy in advance
Doors Open 7 pm On Stage 8 pm
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