Poetry Inspired by Your Surroundings
  • The Hive
    43 - 47 Vittoria Street
    B1 3PE
  • Tuesday 18th March 3:30pm until 5:30pm
This month poetry is going on location, as we explore the Hive's surroundings. Join Rick Sanders from Verve for a workshop on found objects. You will be guided through a process of exploring an environment, gathering a found object, and writing about that object in poetry.

Have you ever wanted to write poetry inspired by your surroundings? Well now's your chance to try. Join Rick Sanders from Verve for a workshop on location and found objects. You will be guided through a process of exploring an environment, gathering a found object, and writing about that object in poetry. For the first half of the session we will outdoors in the area around the Hive, then we will return to the workshop to develop our ideas.

This workshop series is for experienced poets, or poets with a good understanding of writing poetry who want to develop specific skills in writing form poetry. Only suitable for adults (+16yrs).

The workshop is £5 and lasts 2 hours in duration. Please arrive ten minutes before the session as the Hive closes at 3.30 pm and you may not be able to gain access after that.

To find out more and book tickets:


Social Interaction
* thebestof cannot be held responsible for any changes, amends or cancellations of an event