Florists in Bognor Regis

Find the best Florists in Bognor Regis as recommended by local Bognor Regis people in thebestof Bognor Regis's Florists directory.
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Town Flowers
Tanisha A said
I cannot believe what my husband has came home with. He wanted to get me some pink roses to surprise me and thought to try the florist in North Bersted, Town Flowers. My husband doesn’t take much notice to detail. He paid £25 for 10 pink roses. I am so disappointed with the quality and how much he has been ripped off. The petals were going brown and they still had their thorns. I feel terrible to tell him that he could have got a much more beautiful bouquet of roses from M&S for £15. What a complete rip off. I was so angry, I had to stop myself from calling the florist and complaining. Overpriced and terrible quality.
Florists in Bognor Regis
Bohemian Red Florist
Bohemian Red Florist of Bognor Regis - flowers for every occasion
Brian D said
I live in London and Bohemian Red is has was been the best and most helpful Florist i have ever used giving me so many brownie points i will have to use them again soon
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