Apply For Your Childs Secondary School Place In Bolton Now! Open Days/Events and Key Dates
13th September 2011
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Applying for your child’s Secondary School place can be a harrowing and frustrating time, firstly identifying the best local school and then establishing if your child is eligible to attend.

Visiting the schools you feel your child might have a chance of attending is the first step and this will often answer a number of questions, sometimes ruling out but often confirming that school as being your first, second or third choice.

Next the paperwork or online forms must be completed and submitted appropriately. This means carefully considering your options after checking the entry criteria, including geographical location of your home and the proximity of other schools but not only basing your choices on the preferences of your child and his or her friends choices!

It’s worth remembering that your first choice may not be possible so careful consideration should also be given to your second and third choices but even then, if nothing you choose is actually offered, there is the right of appeal. 

Whatever happens, it’s not the end of the world! Give the process your best shot, consider all the options and criteria and hopefully you will get the school you want but if not, the chances are everything will turn out right in the end. 

Below is a listing of all the open events for the Secondary Schools in Bolton and a timetable for admissions. 


Open occasions 

The following dates have been arranged for parents and pupils to visit the schools listed below. If the dates and times are not convenient, most schools offer appointments for individual visits and are always happy to answer your questions.

You are advised to check with the individual school about the arrangements for attending an open occasion. 


Bolton Muslim Girls: Tuesday 27, Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 September 2011. 9.15am - 1 0.15am, 2pm - 3pm. Contact school for details.

Canon Slade CE: Wednesday 5 October 2011 , 5.30pm - 8.30pm.

Essa Academy: Wednesday 14 September 2011 , 5.30pm - 7pm and Thursday 6 October 2011 3.30pm - 6pm. 

Harper Green: Various times and dates between Monday 19 September 2011 and Friday 7 October 2011, details from the school.

Kearsley Academy: Various times and dates, between Monday 19 September 2011 and Friday 7 October 20'11 , details from the school. All visitors welcome at anytime prior appointment with the school office. 

Ladybridge High: Tuesday 20 September 2011, 6pm - 9pm. Visitors welcome throughout the year by prior appointment with the school office.

Little Lever: Tuesday 27 September 2011. Visitors welcome by appointment with the school.

Mount St Joseph RC: Thursday 29 September 2011 , 6.30pm -8.30pm.

Rivington and Blackrod: Thursday 22 September 2011, 6pm - 9pm (upper and lower school). 

Sharples: Thursday 22 September 2011, 6pm - 7.30pm. Visitors are welcome throughout the year by prior appointment with the school.

Smithills: Thursday 29 September 2011 , 4.30pm - 8pm. 

Bolton St Catherine's Academy: Thursday 6 October 2011 , 6.30pm onwards.

StJames CE: Thursday 6 October 2011 , 9am - 1 0.30am and 6pm - 8pm. 

St Joseph RC: Visitors welcome by appointment with the school office.

Thornleigh RC: Wednesday 14 September 2011, 7pm onwards.

Turton: Tuesday, 22 September 2011 , 9.15am - 11 am, Wednesday, 23 September 2011 , 9.15am - 11 am, Thursday, 24 September 2011 , 9.15am - 11 am.

Westhoughton: Thursday 29 September 2011 , 6pm onwards. Visitors are welcome throughout the year by appointment with the school. 


Timetable For Admissions To Secondary Schools 2011/2012 


End of summer holidays August 2011 

Secondary school admission letter about applying online posted out directly to parent/carers home address. Admissions booklet available online. 

September/October 2011 

Paper preference form posted out to parents/carers who have not applied online. Schools will be holding open occasions where parent/carer will have the chance to visit the schools they are interested in. Further information can be gained directly from the school. 

21 October 2011 

Closing date for return of paper and on line applications. Online applications must be submitted by the end of the day, and the website will close at the end of this day. 

Closing date for return of the supplementary form for St James CE School and Bolton Muslim Girls School. Supplementary forms must be submitted directly to the appropriate school by this date. 

14 November 2011 

Closing date for return of the Canon Slade CE School supplementary form. This form must be submitted directly to the school. 

1 March 2012 - National offer day 

National offer day. Offer letters will be posted out to parents/carers informing them of the school they have been allocated (if you have applied online you will also receive an email notification on this day). Appeal forms will be enclosed with the letter for any child not receiving a place at their first preference school. 

End of March 2012 

Last date for appeals to be lodged, which will be held in the first round of appeals. Appeals lodged after this date may be heard later in June/July. 

March - Autumn 2012 

Children who have not been offered a place at their chosen school will automatically be added to the schools waiting list. 

End of April/May/June 2012 

School appeals heard. 

September 2012 

School term starts. 

Note: this timetable applies to parents/carers resident in the Bolton Council area. If you live outside Bolton the timetable may differ. 



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