The latest appearance in their busy summer schedule has seen Bolton Cancer Voices appearing on stage at Rossendale’s Relay For Life; an inspirational community event that honours cancer survivors, celebrates life and raises money for Cancer Research UK, to help beat cancer sooner.
Bolton Cancer Voices is unique in the North West for being the only dedicated Choir for cancer patients and cancer survivors.
Karen Elliott, Chair of the Choir said: -
‘We were delighted to have been invited to participate in this wonderful event, for a cause very close to our hearts.
Congratulations to the organizers; a lot of thought and effort has gone in to making this event celebratory, fun and hopefully highly successful in raising vital funds for cancer research.’
With a full diary for 2014 and dates already in place for 2015 Bolton Cancer Voices is keen to hear from potential new members; particularly in demand at the moment are sopranos, tenors and basses but everyone is assured of a warm welcome.
If you are a cancer patient or a cancer survivor, enjoy singing, want to have some fun - not to mention plenty of lots of laughs and can get to Bolton for rehearsals then Bolton Cancer Voices would love to meet you.
For further details contact Karen on 01204 595562 / 07773 164235 or email
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