Bolton Choir Giving Cancer Patients A Voice
5th September 2012
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Bolton Cancer Voices, the Choir established for cancer patients and cancer survivors is going from strength to strength. After only ten weeks the Choir has already attracted twenty-six members and finally welcomed their first tenors and basses after a special appeal to the stage-shy men of Bolton.

However the Choir aspires to swell its numbers to seventy and is keen to hear from anyone interested in joining them, whether newly diagnosed, living with cancer as a life-limiting condition or a cancer survivor. As there is no time limit as to how long previously people received their diagnosis to be eligible for membership even those treated for cancer in childhood would be welcome.

To ensure the Choir is accessible to all there are no membership fees and members are welcome to take along a family member or friend to join with them if they wish.

Karen Elliott, Chair of Bolton Cancer Patients and Carers Consultative Group who founded the Choir said: -

‘People are having such a good time, it’s fantastic. Once people get here it doesn’t seem to matter at what stage they are at in their cancer journey, singing and enjoying themselves becomes the focus. Ours is a Choir like any other, the only difference being in our criteria for membership. We have an inspirational Musical Director - Clive Rushworth, who takes a relaxed approach to rehearsals, making learning easy and fun no matter what people’s level of experience. If you’ve never sung before or perhaps have let your singing lapse during your illness or treatment, why not come along and give us a try.’

The Choir can next be seen performing at Little Lever Music Fest on Saturday, 29th September.

Anyone interested in becoming a member of Bolton Cancer Voices should contact Karen on 01204 595562 or turn up to a rehearsal on Monday evenings, 7.30pm – 9pm at the Friends Meeting House, Silverwell Street, Bolton.

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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