Bolton Pride is here!
21st April 2015
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Pride in what? Proud of being different in a diverse world where peoples differences are celebrated and not condemned.

For many years people who are Lesbian and Gay, Bisexual and Transgender have been stigmatised and worse by the State and by individual people, indeed in this writers lifetime being ‘Gay’ was once a Criminal offence, thank goodness we are seeing sense in the 21st Century, it has been a long time coming.

Bolton is proud to be hosting its first Gay Pride Festival later this year, starting on 16th October and running through the week end to finish on the Sunday 18th.

At long last society is acknowledging that being Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, or Transgender is not an illness but is something to accept and celebrate as we might accept being left handed or having a different skin colour.

In an inclusive society it is not good enough to label people because they are different. The LGBT community has lived in the shadows and suffered greatly due to ignorance, bigotry and the violence that has in the past befallen it.

It is, therefore, right that we join in the celebration as Bolton is making a stand and saying these people are our people and we are proud of them.

The Gay Pride Festival boasts an impressive list of activities, and attractions, and is aimed at inviting all parts of our community to join in the fun. With the slogan Love Bolton, Hate Homophobia the festival will start on Friday evening 16th with a dinner at Whites Hotel, on Saturday 17th there will be a sports day and club night, followed by an indoor family market at the Holiday Inn.

There will be a youth zone, LGBT information area, bar and acoustic area. The LGBT community is an important part of our Town, its members bring a rich variety to Bolton in so many diverse ways with their many talents and abilities that cannot be overvalued.

They are our customers, our business people, our investors and our bankers, and they are our Police, Fire Fighters, Nurses, Doctors and so on and worthy of our respect.

At a time when Homophobia is on the increase it is right that we should stand as a whole community showing respect and tolerance, unity and understanding, dignity, love, support and pride in this section of the population of our Town. We are proud to celebrate Bolton Pride.

And to declare loud and proud, Love Bolton, Hate Homophobia.

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi I am Faz and am passionate about all things Bolton. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and find them to be interesting and thought provoking. I would love you to add your personal comments to them. Dont...

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