Business As Normal This Winter With Diamond Solutions.
9th December 2014
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Snow, ice, fog, we are likely to see it all this winter and that's where Diamond Solutions can help you and your business to stay productive during the winter weather and beyond.

We have had a lovely summer and its been mild so far but dont let that lull you into a false sense of security. If the news is anything to be believed then we have a lot of winter weather ahead of us. Diamond Solutions know that they are well prepared for this sort of eventuality and would love to talk to you about your business and making sure that the weather doesn't affect your productivity.

Why is it that we never once give snow a second thought until it descends on us and makes the shortest journey a nightmare of stress and frustration and then panic sets in when we cant make it to the car, never mind the office.

Then thoughts turn to wondering who will make it in work, where will calls go when your telephone night service switches off (perhaps your competition?)

What about the information you had planned to work on that was saved on your desktop on your computer?

Well speaking to Diamond Solutions, you can make that somebody else’s nightmare.

Whatever the weather conditions it’s business as usual for Diamond Solutions.

When anything prevents a member of the team from making it into the office, the only clue is that the level of background noise is slightly reduced and the level of coffee in the jar doesn’t go down quite as quickly.

Handsets linked directly to the telephone system using Voice Over IP (VoiP) technology means that calls can be handled in exactly the same way as in the office – calls transferred and conferences arranged.

Remote desktop working gives access to all personal files and documents and smart applications like fax to email means full visibility of all communications received.

And if the worst happens - all the frozen pipes burst and the office absence is prolonged no matter: all data is backed up off-site and all calls temporarily diverted at the touch of a button.

So if you would like this for your business...if you want 'Business As Usual' this winter then you need a chat with Diamond Solutions. Given them a call on 01204 698676 or read more about them here

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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