USN Bolton Arena offers a great range of sports and leisure facilities for the community, not only that, they have meetings and events welcoming over 40,000 delegates every year. They offer affordable office accommodation to businesses and also advertising and sponsorship opportunities whether it be small or large businesses. So surely you would like to come along and find about the opportunities your business could have. More information onĀ USN Bolton Arena Here
This event will take place on
24th September 2013
It will be give you the chance to meet their sponsors and partners, you will also hear how Bolton Arena has benefitted their business. You will also have the opportunity to network with other businesses in Bolton and sample their fantastic new autumn conference menu.
In addition to this, as a way of saying a great big thank you you for attending, you will be entered in a prize draw with the chances of winning match day hospitality at the Reebok Stadium.
If you would like more details on this event or would like to confirm your place call and ask for
Laura Porter on
01204 689936
Or email:
Bolton Arena,
Arena Approach,
Hi I am Faz and am passionate about all things Bolton. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and find them to be interesting and thought provoking. I would love you to add your personal comments to them. Dont...
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