All parents will know how difficult it can be to photograph your newborn baby. But here are some useful tips on how to take portraits of young children from Ruaux Photography.
1) The timing of the photograph is very important. During the first two weeks after they are born, babies are naturally sleepy (although parent’s won’t be!) and these make adorable photos. Put your baby in the clothes you want them in for the photo before they go to sleep
2) Getting the right lighting for a photo is very important. Take advantage of natural lighting where you can and use plain and soft surfaces for the best results.
3) Have a plain background for the photo’s works best in the long run.
4) For a more intimate perspective, move in close and low down to the baby for a nice angle.
5) Details are important in photographs. Capture their little hands and feet for example before they start growing huge!
6) Remember you can also photo shop things out of the photograph later on if needs be, so the image is all about the baby and nothing else.
7) Take photographs of as many moments as possible, like their first time crawling, first walk, etc
8) For these spontaneous moments, cameras on phones and tablets are incredibly useful and are usually of a high quality too.
9) The photographs don’t always have to be of just your baby. Ask a friend or family member to take photographs with the baby and mum and dad in.
10) Finally, give your background a blurry texture so the focus is entirely on the subject
If you’re still struggling, let the experts at Ruaux Photography do the hard work for you. As part of their “watch me grow" photo shoots, you can have 3 15 minute photo shoots during your baby’s first year enabling you to capture moments you and them will treasure forever. Call Ruaux Photography on 01204 689588. If this is something you’d be interested in booking.
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