If you tune into Channel 4 tonight you might well see a familiar face on there.
Debbie Halls-Evans, who runs Delicieux, is one of the contestants on The Taste, which is broadcast tonight at 9pm on the channel.
The Taste is a new cookery programme where 3 professional chefs (Nigella Lawson, Anthony Bourdain and Ludo Levebvre) mentor a team of 4 contestants and support them in improving their cooking skills and guide them through the various challenges the programme serves up. Those taking part are already highly exerienced in the catering industry, so competition is sure to be fierce.
One of the highlights of the show is the mentors try a spoonful of food from contestants to decide which is the best. They then decide who to send home, but that unlucky person might well be one of their own mentees. Is it Debbie? Well you’ll just have to tune in to find out.
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