Do I Really Need to Keep My Website Up To Date?
7th September 2017
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Over the last few weeks I’ve been trying to persuade some clients to add fresh content to their websites and, on more than one occasion, I have been asked “Do I really need to?

They’re busy, and I completely understand. So I asked them a question, “How many times have you visited a website to get current information only to find that it hasn’t been updated for months, even years?” Then I asked, “And what do you do?” They all answered, “Move on to the next website.”

The importance of keeping your website up to date cannot be stressed enough, as this will determine what type of image you present. Many small businesses feel that simply having a website is enough, however their website will very quickly become dated without attention. “Latest” news articles that are from two years ago will leave a very bad impression.

With this in mind, here are five reasons to keep your website fresh:

  1. 1.     It creates the right impression of your business.

When your business’s details are circulated, the first thing people do is check out your website. It should reflect what you do today, not six months ago.


  1. 2.     Search engines like it.

Change won’t guarantee top spot on Google but it’s true that search engines look favourably on new content.


  1. Keep visitors coming back.

Imagine going to a high street shop a year after your first visit and it has the same products and the same window displays. You won’t bother going back as it’s never going to change?


  1. 4.     It shows that you communicate.

Every business needs to communicate with its customers. Updating your website with new ideas, issues and solutions for those issues will show that you communicate effectively.


  1. 5.     It demonstrates that your business is well organised.

You’re a small business, you’ve got a thousand and one things to do and updating your website isn’t anywhere near the top of the list.  Think again about the impression you are giving to your potential customers. An up to date website demonstrates that you’re business keeps on top of things.


And finally, three tips for keeping your site’s content fresh:

DO have a what’s new/news/latest activity section – but only if you are prepared to maintain it. An out of date news page is worse than not having one at all.

DO use dates and times to create a sense of urgency.

DO update the date on the copyright statement at the bottom of each page. With a little bit of code this can be done automatically as the year turns.

If you need help keeping your website up to date then please contact us for a free consultation. Give us a call on 01204 326280

About the Author

Warran B

Member since: 21st September 2015

OwlTree Web Solutions specialise in web design for businesses of all shapes and sizes and have packages to suit all.

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