Former RAF Engineer Joins Flourishing Bolton Business, Digicomm BCS
20th June 2012
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Over at Digicomm, they are delighted to welcome a new member of staff onto their already-excellent existing team. Wesley Lomax will become their new head of IT, and he brings with him some valuable experience, but also an extremely interested career history to date.

He gained the MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) from Microsoft, whilst also being a an engineer with RAF for nine years, where he serviced all the Ministry of Defence (MoD) servers. As part of that job, and also as an IT and Avionics engineer, he has travelled the globe, visiting such diverse places as Bahrain, the Ascension Islands, and the Falkland Islands.

As the avionics engineer for the Tristar (which research leads me to believe is some form of RAF aircraft, thanks Wikipedia!), Wes looked after the servicing of its RADAR, autopilot, communications and defense systems.

And, since he has arrived at Digicomm, that busy lifestyle hasn't changed one bit. Wes was instantly given a baptism of fire by overseeing a full upgrade of both the CRM and entire network, in addition to looking after the important needs of their clients. He has certainly been busy!

And that looks set to continue with Digicomm moving from strength to strength. For more information about the fantastic business Wes has just joined, along with offers and testimonials from satisfied clients, see their feature page on thebestof Bolton website.

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