Is Your Website Mobile Smartphone Compatible?
21st March 2012
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Almost everyone these days has a mobile phone with them all the time. We look at it continually and are on hand virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We want to use our mobile phones these days for so much more than to simply ‘stay in touch’ and with new phones coming onto the market almost daily, the capabilities of these mini computers is staggering.

So it would be obvious then that websites need to be completely compatible with being viewed on a mobile telephone otherwise the business will lose customers.

If visitors to a website from their mobile phone struggle to navigate their way around, find pages difficult to view and cant find contact details easily, they will simply give up and move onto another website where they can and this may just be your competitor.

In general and until recently, mobile phones were designed to be viewed on laptops or desk top computers with large screens and much more capability to navigate around but the introduction of smartphones has meant that not only do businesses need the tradition website but they MUST make their website mobile smartphone compatible.

Square Pear Design and Marketing in Bolton have an easy solution to this,  they take your original website and ensure that it is easily accessible from a smart phone but more simply than that, they can create a ‘landing page’ for your website that is mobile compatible so that any visitors will land on that page and get an overview and your contact details straight away and therefore reducing the risk of your customer going elsewhere.

Prices for this start from as little as £99.

Did you Know

  • In the UK over 85% of people have mobile phones
  • Nearly 60% of Web users say they expect a site to load on their mobile phone in three seconds or less, and 74% are only willing to wait five seconds or less for a single Web page to load before leaving the site
  • Enquiries from a mobile phone are 3 times more likely to result in a sale that from a computer
  • 87% of app downloaders (those who have downloaded an app in the past 30 days) have used deal-of-the-day websites like Groupon or Living Social
  • More than half of those who purchased as a result of a marketing message on their smartphone did so on the device itself
  • 95% of SMS messages are opened compared with around 10% of emails which makes text message marketing a really excellent way to get your message out there.
  • At any one time over 46% of people on social media sites are accessing it via a mobile phone
  • Google say that 30% of searches are now made via a mobile phone.

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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