Learn about National Tree Week 2014
22nd October 2014
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National Tree Week is upon us at the end of November and the organisers are encouraging everyone, not just gardeners, to get involved.

The first tree week occurred in 1975 and the week has grown exponentially(rather like a tree) every year since. It always takes place during the last week of November so will be marked between November 29 and December 7th this year.

Trees provide us with vital oxygen, but with deforestation an ever growing problem, we need to keep planting trees and preserving the ones we have left. Trees are often habitats for wildlife as well and give them food and shelter from the elements.

National Tree Week is organised by the tree council so visit their website for the many ways you can get involved.

If you got trees in your garden that need looking after, contact Mojo Trust. Their team of gardeners will transform your garden into something you’ll be proud of. 

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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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