Making a Career Comeback With Good People Services Bolton
19th April 2011
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Same person, different title…

Making a career comeback means a lot more than getting another job. It means making the right move at this stage of your life.

Many people feel totally lost without their title or professional identity. Everybody's comeback is different, however what is quite consistent is what is makes a person do which is examine what matters most to you. It is an ideal opportunity to look at your life without operating on auto pilot, when you don't have deadlines or projects to finish, or political agendas to deal with. Time to find out what's important and really matters to you.

You haven't changed, just your title has.

When asked 'What do you do for a living?' a normally accomplished and confident individual could be reduced to a stammering quiver. 'Oh well I used to be'…. Or 'before I had the children I was'……

Regardless of why, or the time you have taken out from your career it is only your public label, title or persona that has changed. This can be frightening to someone who has relied for a long time on a position, title or company name to define themselves or their public image. Outside of the obvious financial changes and the big blow to your ego how have you changed? Are you a different person?

When your employer asked you to hand back the company car and office keys, did you also leave behind your experience, communication skills, ethics, track record, professionalism, decision making ability and creativity? No, of course you didn't.

You still have all those things except now you are on the market and available. You are the same person as you were before but you now have a new title, new direction and new choices to make.




About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi I am Faz and am passionate about all things Bolton. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and find them to be interesting and thought provoking. I would love you to add your personal comments to them. Dont...

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