Mayor Of Bolton Starts Weight-Loss Challenge To Raise Money For Charity
28th June 2012
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The Mayor of Bolton is leading the way in the fight against obesity in the local area, whilst also raising money to support those with cancer and dementia.

Cllr Guy Harkin will be working with a personal trainer and following a strict diet and exercise plan in an effort to lose weight and reduce his Body Mass Index (BMI). And all of it will be done in full view of the Bolton public.

His first weigh-in and BMI check took place on Tuesday (26th) of this week at Westhoughton Leisure Centre, and he was set a weightloss and BMI target to try to hit in the following three months.

The Mayor has stated that he hopes his attempts to lose weight will encourage those across Bolton to get fit and do the same, especially targetting the newly-retired.

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