Meet the member, Les Coupe of Revive Carpets!
16th December 2014
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Les Coupe is a professional carpet and upholstery cleaner, he’s been a member of the best of Bolton for quite a while but we asked him what it’s like to run your own business, he said…

1. What first inspired you to run your own business?

I worked in Local Government for 26 years, but as a result of the austerity measures, my job had changed significantly and I no longer enjoyed what I was doing and I was seeking something else. A chance meeting with a chap who has had a carpet cleaning business for many years was so enthusiastic about the new process and equipment he had just invested in, saying it was far better than anything else he had ever used, was the inspiration for me to explore the business further and ultimately set up on my own. (The chap the inspiration came from is in Leicester so I’m not in competition with him)

2. What do you enjoy about your particular business or industry?

Providing the “Wow” factor, and by that, I mean it’s the response that I get from my customers when they return to see the finished job.

3. What is the ONE thing that you want your business to stand out for?

Completely trustworthy.

4. Why is this important?

I want my customers to feel confident that they will get a first class job at a fair price and that I will turn up to do the job at the agreed time.

5. To date, what has been the most memorable moment running your business - for better, worse, funny, sad or just downright ridiculous?!

This is a difficult one to answer as there’s been quite a few, but it is probably the moment I got my first customer.

6. What one piece of advice would you give to someone starting out in business?

Join a business networking group; there’s so much you need to do to set up a business and finding the right people can be a daunting task. Networking groups can help to point you in the right direction.

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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