Meet the member: Lisa Rees from OLC Europe
19th February 2016
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Lisa works at OLC (Europe) Ltd in Bolton, we asked her a few questions about herself and here's what she said

1)What’s the best piece of business advice you have been given and who gave it to you?

Before teaching I worked as a casino manager for many years. This was an interesting industry to work in. It could be exciting and fast paced. What is unknown about the casino industry is that it is heavily legislated and as such it is a requirement for all managers to pass an intense interview with a division of the police called the Gaming Board.

I was promoted to the role of duty manager in 1999 and as part of my induction into the role I shadowed an experienced manager who told me, “Always ensure you can justify the decisions you make.” This valuable advice made me evaluate situations before making knee jerk decisions that could affect the casinos licence, impact on customer attendance and also affect the drop (monies received from players).  

I still use this advice today. Considerations are always made before making a hasty decision that could have long-term implications for the business.

2)Who do you look up to in business?

Karren Brady is someone I look up to, as she once famously said, “Women have brains and uteruses, and are able to use both.” She is inspiring to women who want more. She has a fierce reputation alongside Lord Sugar on The Apprentice and also has the capacity to balance her commitment to football as the vice-chairman of West Ham, business roles within Arcadia and family.

3)What is your guilty pleasure?

I attend Ska nights. In my teens I would travel to the coast on the back of a vespa. Today, you’ll find me reminiscing at ska events held at Horwich RMI.

4)What one thing would you need to have with you if you were marooned on a desert island?

Music. I love music. Throughout my studies I would have the radio on or listen to my favourite albums. It makes me happy, it keeps me sane.  


If you would like to find out any more information about OLC (Europe) Ltd, give them a call on 01204 525511

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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