Moss Bank Park Animla World Closure Threat
1st November 2010
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Awwww what a shame it would be if Moss Bank Park was to loose one of its best attractions. Animal World which includes the famous butterfly house is under serious threat of closure as one of the money saving measures by Bolton Council.

Both my children have enjoyed many a visit to Moss Bank Park which always included a visit to animal world where we would stand in awe at the peacocks in hope that they would display there full feathers while we were there, or if you were really lucky you would find a peacock feather on the floor to take home!

Well despite attracting over a quarter of a million visitors every year, Bolton Council are looking to close this area of the park as the two facilities cost the park upwards of £100,000 per year in upkeep, salaries and utilities.

Henry Hill and his son Kurt, owners of North West Funfairs who put on the fantastic 'One Big Weekend' at Leverhulme Park last month may step in to save the day. Henry has said he would like to save animal world but only as a last attempt if no alternative could be found. The answer would be to put a turnstile on the area and charge people for the attraction.

Bolton people are keen to save this attraction and as well as a 1000 signature petition, local school Church Road have also written to the council. There will be a public consultation on the closure which is open until November 26th and Bolton Council are urging people to come forward with suggestions for keeping it open, which may involve developing the site to include other uses such as a cafe or craft centre.

Any members of the public wishing to contribute their ideas can contact Bolton Council on 01204 331075 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            01204 331075      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or visit

Let us know your thoughts on the closure and your experiences good or bad at the attraction.

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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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