Motorists Be Prepared For The Winter Weather In Bolton
14th December 2011
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So far this winter the weather has been kind to us, unlike this time last year, when by late November we were struggling through snow drifts and freezing gales but don'ÂÂt be fooled, at any time we could be hit once again by blizzards and freezing conditions, so be prepared.

People living in the Bolton areas of Harwood, Bradshaw and Edgworth, for instance could take advantage of the offer being made by Walkdens Newsagent in Harwood, who will deliver a large bag of Salt/Grit and a Snow Shovel for only £16 to anyone in the area or just a bag of salt for £6. 

The idea came about when owner Barry Walkden realised that last year during the bad weather he was constantly hearing about his customers being injured by slipping on the ice on their own paths and driveways and while delivering papers himself he got first-hand experience of the treacherous conditions, so he decided to do something about it.

Anyone wishing to take advantage of the offer for themselves or for an elderly relative or friend who lives in the area can contact Walkdens Newsagent and place their order but don'ÂÂt wait until it'ÂÂs too late!

Motorists too should be prepared; if you'ÂÂre not sure if your car is up to the harsh conditions we may face, take it along to Shaw Street Garage and have them carry out a winter health check or at least make sure you carry out some basic checks and have an emergency kit in your car if you are about to set out on a long journey.

The Highways Agency are well prepared for the worst conditions with 1000'ÂÂs of tonnes of salt stored at their Westhaughton depot but hope that drivers will play their part in ensuring that the roads remain clear by preparing for journeys by checking fuel levels, clearing snow from lights and number plates and only making journeys that are necessary if the weather forecast is for snow and freezing conditions.

The Highways Agency suggest your Winter Emergency Kit should include things like a shovel, de-icer, ice scraper, blankets, a torch, spare batteries, boots and warm clothes as well as a pack of sandwiches!

At thebestof bolton we wish all the people of Bolton safe and happy motoring over the festive period.



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