Bolton, a city with inspiring and incredible scenery that most don't see as it is hidden beneath the rush of the markets and the shops. One of my favourite places to visit in Bolton is the Octagon theatre because not only is it a theatre it is so much more and once you step in to the doors of a new show or a new story you feel like you are actually there and that is very important to get the people interested in coming. The astounding theatre has a cafe, a bar and several other areas where you could sit down and catch up with friends before a show. The ambiance is lovely and if I could I would spend every waking hour there.
Another one of my favourite places to visit in Bolton is called Darley Park and I like to walk my dog out neat Farnworth woods. It is quite far out and is a little noisy from the motorway but I love it as sometimes the paths seem to go on forever and it is one of the most nicest and most peaceful places I like to go to. I like following the different paths as although now I probably know where they all lead to but when I first started going I didn't realise how many different places you could go to from just one point and I really enjoy walking my dog there as it is a huge place to run for him and he really likes when I take him. I really do adore every minute I am there.
Bolton really is amazing and your story is just starting so where do you want to go first?
Hi my name is Bethany. I’m 13 years old and live in Bolton. I love my computer and go everywhere with it but there is nothing I wouldn’t do for a good book to read on the weekends or in the holidays. I...
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