New Year, New You - New Job
3rd January 2013
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The start of a new year is the perfect time to start a new chapter in your life. Securing the perfect job is a major step, but it can be difficult. However, we have some great businesses in Bolton that can help you in attaining a job that you will be happy with.

If you find yourself being passed over for jobs or overlooked for promotion because you are under qualified, it can be completely demoralising. However, it can also seem impossible to gain those necessary qualifications whilst also holding down your current job. However, Alliance Learning has some great courses that can gain you new skills and abilities to add to your repertoire.

They also have a wide range of apprenticeship schemes available which could be the gateway to a new career. Apprenticeships allow you to earn whilst you learn, and businesses are increasingly looking to apprentices to tailor a workforce that gives their company a competitive edge in an increasingly challenging market.

Having a great skill set is often not enough to get you a job, however. The CV is one of the best tools when finding a job, but it can also be one of the most difficult to get right. Good People Recruitment Services can help you with your CV, and also any cover letters that are needed.

Often, people can miss out on jobs and not understand why, with the reason being that they just didn’t have the right emotional intelligence needed. EI4Change can explain all this, as well as charting your own abilities, and help you to discover your strengths and weaknesses. It’s a great service, speaking from personal experience, yet is one that is underused and currently undervalued.

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