Whats on in Boltons Parks this summer Leverhulme Park, Bradford Park & Tonge Cemetery
5th August 2011
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Whats on in Boltons Parks this summer

Leverhulme Park, Bradford 

Park & Tonge Cemetery 


Bolton Council in partnership with the Lancashire 

The Gateway to Urban Nature Project is led by 

Wildlife Trust and Groundwork. 

Started in August 2010 this three year project 

aims to connect the community with the wildlife 

on their local park (woodland, grassland and wet- 

land environments) through a series of events, 

training workshops and volunteennq opportuni

ties increasing access to the natural areas of the 

Park and to work towards the Park becoming a 

Local Nature Reserve. 

The project is funded by Natural England through 

Fund's Changing Spaces Programme. 

the Access to Nature, as part of the Big Lottery 

Mini-beast Discovery! Saturday 13th August 11am-12pm

In partnership with Breightmet Library and their Nature Workshops join staff from the Lancashire Wildlife Trust on a mini-beast hunt and river dip. Outdoor adventures and fun whatever the weather! Meet at the Lancashire Wildlife Trust ERC building, Bury Road. 

Outdoor Survival Skills Tuesday.16th-Friday 19th August 

11.00am-2.30prn 11-18 years old 

Join the Lancashire Wildlife Trust for shelter building and green woodwork activities with lots of games and activities. Join us for the four days to gain a John Muir Award/AQA accreditation. FREE, but requires booking . 

To book contact 01204 663754. 

Fancy a Brew and a Chat? Thursday 18th August 6.30pm--8.00pm 

Your Park! Your Voice! Join us for informal meeting to discuss the Park and upcoming opportunities. Meet Gorses Road Crown Green Bowling Huts. 

Family Bat Walk-Get Batty on a Bat Walk! Friday 19th August 8pm-9.45pm

Do bats drink blood? Do they hang from caves? Join us on our FREE bat walk and learn the truth about these Batastic mammals! To book contact Joanne Moore. 

Art in the Park!  Wednesday 31st August 1pm-3pm

Join us on this FREE workshop and have a go at making environmental art. Activities for all ages! FREE, but booking required. To book contact Joanne Moore. 


Twilight Wander Saturday 10th September 8pm-9.30pm

As darkness falls join us during Bolton's Walking Festival on a guided walk to discover the nocturnal creatures living around the woods and river. Meet at the Leverhulme Community Centre car park, off Long Lane. 

Fancy a Brew and a Chat? Thursday'22nd September 6.30pm-8.00pm 

Your Park! Your Voice! Join us for informal meeting to discuss the Park and upcoming opportunities. Meet Gorses Road Crown Green Bowling Huts. 

Other Activities
Volunteer Work Parties: 

Monthly Weekday and Weekend Groups 

Green Team Group 10.00am-3.00pm 
Tuesday 9th August 
Tuesday 13th September 
Tuesday 11 ith October 

Your Park Needs You! 10.00am-3.00pm 
Saturday 23rd July 
Saturday 20th August 
Saturday 24th September 

Summer Wildlife Surveying and Training Opportunities 
Butterfly and Dragonfly Surveying We are looking for surveyors interested in 
Butterfly and dragonfly surveying on the sites. FulI training is given and surveying can be carried out in your own time. 

Bat Surveying 
We are looking for surveyors interested in joining the Lancashire Wildlife Trust in monthly bat surveys. Full training is given.
The next dates are:- 

Tuesday 14th July 
Wednesday 10th August 
Monday 14th September 

Surveys are weather dependent, please contact Joanne Moore if you are interested to get involved. 

About the Author

Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

Hi I am Faz and am passionate about all things Bolton. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and find them to be interesting and thought provoking. I would love you to add your personal comments to them. Dont...

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