If you’ve got some free time, want to meet new people, learn new skills and get some great experience to put on your CV, why not consider volunteering? You can volunteer in lots of different sectors, including animal welfare, environmental causes and more.
It is volunteer’s week between the 1st and 7th June, so there’s no better time to start giving back to a worthwhile cause. At the best of Bolton, we have several charities who would appreciate any time or money you can give to them.
Volunteering opportunities at Bolton Hospice
Bolton Hospice are holding two open days at their headquarters in order for people to find out more about the different opportunities they have available.
The two drop-in Volunteer Open Days will be held at Bolton Hospice on the following dates:
Saturday 7th June, between 10.00am and 1pm
Monday 9th June, between 4.00pm and 7.00pm
Anyone interested in finding out more about becoming involved as a volunteer is invited to drop in for refreshments and an informal chat (no RSVP necessary).
At the moment Bolton Hospice are in need of more volunteers in their charity shops and community fundraising team. In the charity shops they ask volunteers to commit to a minimum of three hours per week and are looking for people to help with the sorting of saleable donations, displaying stock on the shop floor, joiners, painters, electricians, furniture removals, driver's mate, the list is endless!
In the fundraising team we’re always in need of volunteers, whether it's people who can spare the odd hour helping at a bucket collection or distributing leaflets, or those who want to become more involved on a regular basis as a Volunteer Area Managers.
Other volunteering opportunities in Bolton
Home Start Bolton are always looking for more volunteers to join their team. They need people to support the families they work with by providing them with parenting advice, emotional and moral support in bringing up a family, interact with children and lots of other ways.
Bolton Society for Blind People have a range of volunteering opportunities. You can volunteer with their befriending scheme, help run the different groups BSBP organize, become a volunteer driver etc You can be flexible in your volunteering time.
Bolton Steps need people who want to volunteer in any of their projects, including drivers for all the projects, receptionists to help with the day to day running of the centre, IT lovers for Fix IT and people to help with marketing.
Birtenshaw and BYPHS often have volunteering opportunities and finally Bolton Lads and Girls Club have chances to work with the young people through mentoring, youth work, outreach programmes amongst others.
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