Which One? Choosing The Right Carpet from Farnworth Carpets
6th March 2015
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A common mistake for home owners is to make a decision on a carpet, and fall in love with the design in store. The problem is that a carpet can look grand in store, but absolutely turgid in your home.

You want to make sure that you are looking for the right kind of carpet when you go shopping, in that the carpet actually fits your home first and foremost. The last thing anyone needs is a carpet that looks out of place or throws the room off, making it look unnatural or poorly put together by someone with little taste.

To avoid these kinds of problems that can come up down the line, here are some simple and effective tips from Farnworth Carpets for making sure that the carpet you choose is going to be as good as it possibly can be;

  • Make sure the type of carpet that you buy actually fits what you are looking for. This might sound simple, but a good price or vibrant colour can easily throw your head and have you buying something you never had even considered until now!
  • If you buy a woven carpet, if this is the style that you really want, you’ll need to be prepared to pay the price. It’s a more intensive creation process than normal carpets and this means that the price will show this accordingly. Don’t let yourself get caught up in this situation as it’s only going to cause you problems when the actual prices come up!
  • If you are looking for a tufted carpet, you’ll be paying less. Tufted carpets are the most common in the UK and therefore, if you really want to go that extra mile in terms of quality, as we said above be prepared to factor in a higher cost than you originally thought it might be
  • Take photos of the carpet itself before buying it, and compare it at home. Again, a carpet can almost change colors between going home and looking at it again. With a reference to use, or even a small slit if the company will let this happen, you can make sure that the carpet looks just as you had originally intended in the first place
  • Don’t buy a carpet based on the price – ever. buying cheap with carpets is going to lead to one conclusion – expensive replacements shortly down the line, so make sure quality wins



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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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