Whitewell Financial Planning Offering FREE Financial Advice In Honour Of Financial Planning Week
20th November 2012
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Financial Planning Week. It's not the most evocative of subjects, nor will it make the most exciting of weeks. But, what it will do is make your life so much easier in the long term, saving you so much trouble and allowing you to find that excitement elsewhere. And, here in Bolton, we've got just the man for you.

Phil O’Connor of Whitewell Financial Planning Limited has been practising Financial Planning in Bolton since 2008 and is passionate about educating the public about how empowering Financial Planning is.

“I think that Financial Planning Week is the ideal opportunity to spread the word about Financial Planning and it compliments perfectly my fund raising efforts for a local charity Bolton Lads and Girls Club where I am a volunteer football coach."

Phil will be supporting Bolton Lads and Girls Club by offering two days of free financial advice on the 28th and 29th November, to coincide with the IFP’s national Financial Planning Week campaign.

For a minimum suggested donation of just £20, they’ll offer a 60 minute consultation and all the money raised will go directly to Bolton Lads and Girls Club.

Bolton Lads and Girls Club’s fundraiser Julie Lloyd said “we are delighted that Whitewell Financial Planning Limited has chosen to support us in this way. We believe that these consultations will provide an ideal introduction to the process of Financial Planning, which should be an essential part of everybody’s life.”

If you'd like more information about Whitewell Financial Planning, the service they could offer you, or this free financial advice, give Phil a call on (01204) 684006, or visit his feature page here.

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