Winter Weather Injuries – Tips and advice from Physiofusion.
27th November 2014
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If you suffer from arthritis you’ll probably dread the coming of winter and the cold weather that arrives with it. Physiofusion have given us some facts and information on how the cold, wet weather can affect us. Read more to find out the facts, advice and how they can help.

Physiofusion offer a comprehensive treatment service offering a wide range of different therapeutic services for different parts of the body. During the winter they get an increased amount of people through their doors complaining of a worsening in pain. Two of these are increased neck injuries and arthritis. They have seen a fluctuation in arthritis patients visit Physiofusion and complain about increased stiffness and pain in joints.

Health professionals have long debated whether or not the cold weather has an effect on injuries and arthritis. During winter, generally people lead a more sedate lifestyle and tend to keep indoors in the warmth! This could have an effect on the joints though as sitting in one position for long periods of time causes joints to seize up. This is one theory that professionals have debated.

Another, more scientific theory suggests the cold atmosphere causes tissue to shrink; this then pulls on nerves in the arthritic areas, meaning pain! The opposite can occur when the atmosphere is warmer. The theory does not provide any evidence that it changes the conditions, but it can have a symptomatic positive or negative effect when the soft tissue is either freer or tighter around the joint.

Physiofusion provide treatments to help ease these pains such as acupuncture this can help stimulate the release of the body’s natural pain fighting endorphins. Osteoarthritis can be treated with acupuncture. A study in Germany proved this when 304,674 people received 15 sessions along with physiotherapy and they had less pain and stiffness and a better quality of life. Neck injuries also seem to worsen during the cold weather, strains being the most common. Generally our posture changes and people hunch their backs and pull their shoulders up, becoming more rounded and resulting in neck and shoulder strains.

The best way to fight the cold wintery weather is to wear a scarf and keep your neck and shoulders warm. Make sure you’re wrapped up warm so you don’t start hunch or change your posture that could lead to strains, aches and pains. Speak to the professionals at Physiofusion about physiotherapy or acupuncture and what they can do to help relieve symptoms of pain.


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Faz P

Member since: 10th July 2012

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