Carers of people with mental health problems
Carers of people with mental health problems
  • Making Space
    Deajon House
    Chorley New Road
    BL1 4AP
Making Space has been working with people affected by mental health conditions, and with their careers, since 1982 to help them shape their lives based on their own personal aspirations and circumstances. Today this approach is called ‘personalisation’ – something that all Making Space services strive to deliver with dignity, compassion, humanity and, whenever appropriate, a sense of humour. Throughout England and Wales more than 800 people are directly employed by Making Space in providing the most appropriate care services to assist with the wellbeing of people affected by mental ill health, dementia or learning disabilities. These include family intervention services, employment, education and day services, supported housing, care homes, residential accommodation, clinical services, computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (CCBT) and services like training and respite breaks for carers whose lives are often deeply affected too
Social Interaction