Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace & why Social Media is important in business
17th February 2010
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Developing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace, and why is Social Media so important to my business?

In a bid to help individuals harness the power of both emotional intelligence and social media in the workplace, we are offering this seminar to business owners and senior managers who want to foster shared vision and core values and get better results form their workforce. By being aware of and developing Emotional Intelligence (EI/EQ) this seminar will also prove the inevitability of social media as an unquestionable answer to the future success of your business - so what do you need to know, what does this mean for my business and how do you harness EI and social media?
The use of EI and social media can quickly and effectively be harnessed to deliver fantastic business results.
This introductory awareness seminar will give you the opportunity to understand both EI and social media in an inspiring and informative environment, leaving you feeling motivated and excited of the possibilities ahead. You will come away with and insight into EI and proven social media ideas to use in your own business including:
  • An insight into the basics of Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional skills awareness for individuals and the organisation - where can these skills be used effectively?
  • What exactly is social media, and what does it mean to my business?
  • LinkedIn, the professional social media platform - what is it? what can you do with it? how do businesses use it successfully? your 'personal brand'
  • Why is social media like face-to-face networking?
  • 10 considerations for successful social media engagement

All delegates will receive seminar documents relating to both topics, including:

  • EI checklist: how to embrace EI in the workplace
  • Social media white paper: 10 considerations for successful social media engagement

Location: Ford & Warren, Westgate point, Westgate, Leeds LS1 2AX
On-site parking available - a limited number of spaces available, so please book early

Time and date: Thursday 25th March 2010 from 9am to 1pm

Cost: £49 + VAT per delegate book online at

Refreshments will be provided and you will have the opportunity to network

Contact us 0113 2685068  01274 781300 (Recruitment 2000)

About the Author

Jan B

Member since: 8th May 2012

Hi. I'm Jan. Married with two lovely daughters. Have very little spare time as my second job is a taxi service taking them to various activities every weekday evening and on Saturdays (not complaining...

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