'I cannot wait to get out on the road for my second tour of the UK. I love how the live shows allow you to connect with the audience in a different way. The show will tell stories of gardens, people, music and places. And they will hopefully put a smile on your faces! Look forward to seeing you all there!’ ADAM FROST
In his most personal show to date, Adam will discuss the plants that have shaped his life and reflect on what’s brought him to where he is now. He’ll unearth the inspiration he’s found through a life in the garden and from the people he’s met along the way.
Adam will share previously untold stories of how his passion for plants has taken him around the world and challenged him with unexpected experiences – from curating a garden in Japan during a monsoon to meeting heroes.
In a new twist he will highlight the music that’s steered his course and why he identifies as an ‘old romantic fool’. He talks the audience through the soundtrack to his planting, taking inspiration from music that includes Louis Armstrong’s ‘What A Wonderful World’, You’ll Never Walk Alone by Marcus Mumford and ‘There’d Better be a Mirrorball’ by The Arctic Monkeys.
He also has songs that capture his love for each specific area of the garden, that includes The Killers ‘Mr. Brightside’, Richard Ashcroft ‘Lucky Man’, Rolling Stones ‘Dreamy Skies’ and Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Secret Garden’.
Adam Frost is an award-winning British garden designer, author and TV presenter. Aside from BBC’s Gardeners’ World (BBC Two), he appears regularly on the BBC’s coverage of RHS Chelsea Flower Show and front films for Morning Live (BBC One). In 2016 he won ‘Best New Talent’ at the RTS West Awards. Since 2007, Adam has amassed seven gold medals at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. He lectures on a wide range of horticultural topics, both nationally and internationally and is an ongoing contributor to Gardeners’ World Magazine, fronting their podcast.
You can see Adam at Ilkley's King’s Hall 8th April.
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