A low cost profitable on line business??
20th November 2009
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Have you ever thought about starting a business that could be managed anywhere in the world from a laptop or smartphone? I know I have always thought of this as the ideal job, sitting on a beach somewhere, spending an hour on the pc, then going for a swim or taking the boat out.

I spoke to one of our new members at The Business Club who has joined to expand his network and promote lead generation. Stephen Smith has grown an online shopping network that allows individuals and organisations to shop online with big names like Tesco, House of Fraser, PC World etc and earn cash back every time they do so. The beauty of this multi level marketing system is that you can upgrade from a shopper (which is free membership) for only £48 (yes - only £48!!) and start recruiting shoppers to your own network. Everytime they shop you also earn points which can be exchanged at the end of the month for cash or discount vouchers off stores in the shopping mall.

Stephen has worked smarter rather than harder and recruited charities and organisations with access to large numbers of databases. Everytime one of them recruits a shopper it makes money for that charity or organisation and he in turn makes an overide residual income.

For all of you out there with large networks this seems an ideal way to utilise those contacts to start a low cost business that could return you a substantial profit. It has already created a number of millionaires in the USA and Europe and if you want an introduction to Stephen then please contact me at The Business Club on 0844 4180144.

Thornton Holmes

The Business Club North London.

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