Don't miss the next great speaker at The Business Club!!!
14th May 2010
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thebusinessclub-North London next club meeting :

DATE: Wednesday 19th May 2010

VENUE : Hendon Hall Hotel

TIME : 6pm for 6.30pm meet. 7pm start.

Business Builder Free to members Incl Buffet (Non Members may attend two meetings before joining at a charge of £10 per meeting)


 "Taking advantage of the

 Economic Recovery
 and what really CAUSED the recession in the first place."
SPEAKER: Brett Alegre-Wood
* His predictions of what will happen over the next 2-5 years in the property market.
* Why the banks aren't lending and when they are likely to come back for small business.
* Why small business owners should be very careful about the income they declare.
* Explain how the FSA has turned consumer debt into a very dirty word.
* Why you may have already missed the cheapest property prices.

Brett was born and educated in Australia, he now lives and works in London. In Australia he owned one of the largest personal development companies with over 700 distributors.  In 2002, he arrived in the UK and his passion for education and property led him to build the largest free property investment education websites in the world He currently has a team of over 50 and in 2009 despite the recession sold over £80 million of UK property.
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