Five Reasons Why People Take Singing Lessons
20th November 2015
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Many people make the assumption that you take singing lessons because you want to be famous.  In most situations this certainly is not the case.  There are a number of reasons why people choose to have vocal coaching / singing lessons.  Here are just five reasons that don’t necessarily relate to improving knowledge or abilities with music.

To Gain or Improve Confidence – Singing lessons are used to build confidence, because in many cases the student is conquering fears such as standing in front of people (even if it’s just the tutor) and projecting your voice to be heard.  Even if pupils just sing to their tutor during lessons, they find that their confidence in everyday situations improves, as they’ve learnt voice projection skills.

Relieve Stress – People with stressful jobs take singing lessons simply to relieve stress.  Many Doctors, Nurses, Solicitors etc. find that they can distress through singing using their voice for a completely different reason to their everyday work.  The breathing techniques also help them to relax very quickly too. 

Something for Me – When life is constantly busy and demanding and time is taken up with helping or looking after others, it’s great to have some ‘me time’.  Therefore people chose to get away from it all for just an hour and learn to sing.

The Challenge – Those with the learning bug see singing lessons as a great challenge.  This is not only to improve and develop their skills, they also like to try to sing a wide variety of musical genres just to see if they can manage them. 

A Gift – Singing lessons can be given as a gift, where friends or family buy so many lessons to allow someone to give it a try.  It’s a brilliant opportunity for someone who would be reluctant to take the first step in contacting a tutor to make enquiries when family or friends know that it is something they’d really like to try.


If you want to take the first steps towards getting singing lessons, speak to Mignonette Aaron’s Piano & Singing Tuition today!

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