How to Make Sure Finances Are In Strong Shape
16th June 2010
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Is your income protected?

We live in an uncertain world, which makes creating

and preserving our financial security essential for

us all. This means you must take action to ensure

that you, your family, your income, your home and,

therefore, your lifestyle are protected, should the

worst happen to you.

So how would you cope if you lose your income

because of illness or disability?

Since 27 October 2008 the Government has been paying

incapacity benefits in a new way – the Employment and

Support Allowance (ESA), which replaced the earlier

Incapacity Benefit for new claimants. As the ESA payment you

may receive is not linked to your earnings, it is unlikely you will

be able to preserve your standard of living. Therefore, it is up

to you to take action to protect your income should you suffer

illness or disability.

Why has ESA been introduced?

Unlike its predecessor Incapacity Benefit, ESA is about

assessing what you can do rather than what you can’t do and

aims to prepare ill and disabled people for work wherever

possible, by giving advice as well as financial support. There

is no automatic right to ESA and your entitlement will be

decided by assessment of your capacity to work.

Therefore, should the worst happen, the only way you can

be sure you will have enough income is by making your

own provision.

You may think it won’t happen to you, but being unable to

work because of illness or disability can and does happen.

However, there is something you can do about it. It doesn’t

matter whether you are employed or self-employed, you can

protect your income against being unable to work.

If you would like a Free Confidential Financial Review do not hesitate to contact me on or 07961 487286.

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