How to wipe off your debt and have a stress-free life
12th November 2009
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Personal debt is a major problem in the UK. A survey by the FSA revealed that 74% of people find money the hardest subject to talk about, and 31% regularly go over their overdraft limit. A Mintel report concluded that there are around 5.4 million adults with unsecured debts in excess of £20,000.

For individuals and businesses facing debt like this causes stress which affects health, relationships and work effectiveness. Debt can lead to marriage breakdown, job loss, even suicide. However, there are a range of options of reduce and eliminate debt.

At debtDr, Sandra meets with every client face to face, taking time understand the nature and extent of their problems, the resources available, and their personal plans for the future. She advises the client on all the solutions available, explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each. She will manage the debt strategically, dealing with creditors, officials and - if necessary - courts, letting the client see that there is light, and life, at the end of the debt tunnel.

Sandra offers all clients a free no obligation review of their financial situation.

Last month she saved a client an impressive £17,500.

He had total loan and credit card debts of £37,000 and paid back just £17,500 including her fee. The rest of what he owed was wiped off and marked paid on his credit file.

Now who wouldn’t like more than half their loans wiped off?

Whilst negotiating she was able to help protect his home and rented properties from charging orders so now he has no debt but still has all the equity in his properties for the future.

DebtDr is the only company to offer full market solutions and creativity to fix your finances and the only one to protect your assets in the process.

Who would you like to help?

Today Sandra would like to speak to that client of yours who still hasn’t settled your invoice or the tenant that’s stopped paying their rent. A referral to Sandra could give them the ability to pay you.

My names Sandra Townsend. And I am your Debt Dr - Prescribing Life without Debt.

About the Author

Sandra T

Member since: 12th November 2009

We offer free advice covering all debt solutions and without obligation to use our services for business and personal clients. We make recommendations and deliver the appropriate advice according to client's...

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