Increase your sales conversion rates by Chris Billington-Hughes
2nd March 2010
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thebusinessclub-North London next club meeting :

DATE: Wednesday 7th April 2010

VENUE : Hendon Hall Hotel

TIME : 6pm for 6.30pm meet. 7pm start.

Business Builder Free to members Incl Buffet (Non Members may attend two meetings before joining at a charge of £10 per meeting)

Presenting :

“Increase Your Sales Conversion Rates…”

        Speaker: Chris Billington-Hughes
Getting leads and enquiries costs time, money and effort … yet many businesses don’t have the systems and processes in place to maximise the chance of converting them into business.
This session discusses what you can do to increase your chances, mathematically, of converting your hard won leads and enquiries into solid business and new clients. Reduce your 'Cost of Acquisition' and increase your profitability.
Chris has been a Director of Results Corporation for 12 years now and his business utilises proven methods, techniques and structure to systematically grow businesses.
From Small and Medium size Enterprises right up to Corporate organisations the often simple, but rarely effectively implemented, processes that Chris and Results Corporation use, have proven to be able to increase revenue and profits as well as increase the asset value of businesses.
Results Corporation have proven time and time again that you don’t need to have huge budgets or large marketing teams to increase your business … you just need to know what to do, how and when to do it … and to make sure it gets done systemically!
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